From Oct 25 14:10:42 1995 Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 00:15:16 +0100 From: "G.G.Lepper" Reply to: The wfrp mailing list To: Subject: WFRP: Dolgans First, as a warning, I'm thousands of miles away from my copy of SRiK, and I've had to delete all the Dolgan postings (gulp!), so I have no idea what languages Dolgans speak, or who they worship... so take it easy on me folks... First the age/skill chart. Since the Dolgan lifestyle is a difficult one, they learn early and die early. 16-20 +1 21-30 +2 31-40 +1 41-50 +0 51+ -1 Since they have a rigidly defined culture, all Dolgan's first skill is Ride. There is no other options. All remaining skills can be rolled randomly based on Careers. Note, though, that Dolgans are expert horsemen, and if they enter another career that offers Ride, and they take it, the skill is doubled, for example, in relation to risk tests. This is only for Dolgans, and they may only do it once. I had a table of skills by career class, but I don't feel like typing it out... Warrior Basic Careers 01-10 Bodyguard. The Dolgan is employed by possibly rich merchants or rich Kislevians, for their savage reputations. 11-15 Labourer. The Dolgan has left his society in search of jobs near the Wheatlands, etc. Could possibly mean he has been an outcast of his village, or had to leave for certain reasons. 16-30 Mercenary. Dolgan's are employed and highly respected by Tsars as mercenaries to intimdate to great effect. Many Dolgans see this as a honorable employment, and a way of making money. It is also an outlet for the adventurous who want to see the world, and play an important part in Kislev defense. 31-40 Militia. Often Dolgans near the Wheatlands often join the local militia to make money and provide much needed expertise. 41-45 Noble. Often a headman or leader, or possibly a close relative to one. This is different than the career in the book. 46-55 Outlaw. Dolgan's often find themselves raiding caravans, settlements, and become outlaws. 56-60 Pit fighter. Young Dolgans captured in battle or crime, find themselves as slave Pit fighters. 61-70 Protagonist. Warlike, many young Dolgans set off on their own, and live on what they take by force. 71-80 Soldier. A Dolgan employed by Kislev. Has Animal care and ride automatically 91-100 Warrior/ Horse archer. A Dolgan who fights and dies for his tribe. Note: Trappings should be carefully looked at. Crossbows, etc. should not be allowed. Dolgan Horse Archer The finest horsemen in the world are the Dolgans. The Dolgan Horse Archer is amongst the best of the Dolgans themselves. Responsible for keeping the tribes safe, many are sought to be employed in the Tsar's forces, so great are their skills. WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel +10 +20 - - +2 +10 +10 Skills: Animal Care Marksmanship Orientation Ride Trick Riding Trappings Shortbow Quiver with 20 arrows Dolgan Noble/Chief/etc. Responsible for the tribe during war, etc. WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel +10 +10 - - +2 +20 - +10 +20 - +10 +10 +10 Skills: Dodge Blow Luck Orientation Ride Speak additional language Strike Mighty Blow Trappings Finest Dolgan clothing Additional horse Note: Dolgan society is flexible. Many Dolgans are "cross trained." Exit careers for any Warrior are any of the careers listed as exits under the career itself (which the GM approves of), any careers on the Dolgan warrior table, and Dolgan Lancer. Any careers not above, the Dolgan must find someone to train and pay 200 Exp points for a career listed under the normal Warrior class table. Any career outside, costs 400, to represent the role of cultural norms, mores, and restrictions imposed by their lifestyles. Trappings for all Dolgan Warriors: Hand Weapon Sturdy Warm Clothing Horse with Saddle Spear 1d6 Starting Gold Pieces (instead of 3d6) Rangers- Rangers play an essential role in Dolgan society, and coupled with Warriors, make up the majority of careers in Dolgan society. With no further ado... Ranger Basic Careers 01-15 Bounty Hunter. Many Dolgans are employed because of their incredible reputation for persistence and savagery. Criminals fear Dolgan bounty hunters more than most Greater Daemons. (Well, not really, but they are scary blokes! Look at their haircuts!) 16-25 Caravaneer. Some Dolgan tribes assist merchants in overland trade, instead of raiding it. 26-35 Herdsman. Pretty self explanatory. If you need more info, post me privately. You should have some idea... 36-45 Hunter. As above with herdsman. 46-55 Muleskinner. Hmm...seems like a caravaneer. 56-65 Outrider. Often employed in the tribes themselves, caravans, and the Tsar's army. 66-70 Prospector. Many Dolgans search the once Dwarven occupied mountains for forgotten wealth, since no one else dares... 71-80 Trapper. 'nuff said... 81-100 Horse Archer. As in the Warrior class. This allows the Horse Archer to choose from both Warrior and Ranger basic classes. Note: Rules for career exits for Rangers are nearly the same as for warriors. They can exit to any acceptable career listed on the career exits for their career, any on the Dolgan Ranger Basic Career Chart, and Horse Lord. Any non Dolgan Basic Ranger Careers cost 200, and any others cost 400. Note: Trappings for Dolgan Rangers are identical to Dolgan Warriors. Caravaneer Many Dolgan's find that cooperating with trade can be far more lucrative than risking their lives raiding it, and often find themselves as escorts for the trade. WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel +10 +10 - - +2 +20 - +10 +10 +10 - - +10 Skills Animal Care Drive Cart Evaluate Follow Trail Orientation Ride Horse Rogues Rogues in Dolgan society are very rare! Due to the close knit society, stealing from family is a bad idea. However, some Dolgans find themselves seperated from their families while young, and learn all kinds of naughty things over in the big cities. Most Rogue careers are considered very shameful by traditional Dolgan society. Dolgan Basic Rogue Career Chart 01-15 Entertainer. Not always considered badly. Depends on what the career is. It would be a good idea for the GM to choose one. Somehow Pavement Artist seems unlikely. Entertainers are similar to bards or minstrels... 16-20 Gambler. Rare. Some Dolgans wander into cities at a young age and become embroiled in the seedy nightlife. These are drawn by the lure of easy money in games of chance. 21-45 Pedlar. Some Dolgans wander about between relations in different tribes, peddling much needed goods, for a very small profit. While looked down upon, there services and goods are sometimes badly needed. 46-65 Rustler. Yep, this is considered a very valuable career. Taking horses and goods from the weak, and returning them to the strong, the Dolgans. Seen as brave warrior types striking a blow for the Dolgans. No Drive Cart, Animal Care 100%. 66-85 Smuggler (Dolgan Smuggler). Dolgans are sometimes used to sneak goods into Kislev passed the border guards. These are specialists at avoiding the authorities. 86-100 Thief. They are unaccepted in society, often killed if discovered as thieves. They have no Sec Lang or Sec Signs, and no Silent Move Urban or Conceal Urban , but Conceal Rural instead. General thieves only, unless trained in cities otherwise. Thieves in Dolgan society should be very rare. If a character wants to play a Dolgan Rogue, make him an outcast and let him wander about with Imperial citizens in the Empire, or Kislev, where he is more appropriate. Dolgan Smuggler Often merchants don't feel that they should have to share some of their profits with the local authorities and often employ locals to help in the circumventing of exciseman. For the caravans bringing rare and splendid treasures from Cathay and Nippon along the dangerous route, many turn to Dolgans to help them pass through the borders. Also, some seedy shifty looking individuals, maybe looking quite cadaverous in appearance want something discreetly moved, and also turn to the Dolgans. Dolgan smugglers are good, but one must be careful, for sometimes, they cost more than the taxes would... WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel +10 +10 - - +2 +10 - +10 - - - - - Skills Drive Cart Conceal Rural Follow Trail Orientation Silent Move Rural Career Exits: all normal Smuggler career exits are invalid! No pilots, no seamen! It's common-sense! Trappings: sorry, no row boats! Note: The rules for career exits are similar to Warriors, and Rangers. They however can only enter or exit through Dolgan Basic Rogue Careers at 100 Exp points, and out through listed career exits from their careers at 100 Exp also. Other non Dolgan Basic Rogue careers cost 200, and anything else 400. Trappings: Hand weapon Clothes 2d6 Gold pieces Dolgan Academics Dolgan academics are quite rare, but often essential. While most Dolgans are needed to protect and feed the tribe, a few, for some reason or other, turn to less martial pursuits. Dolgan Basic Academic Career Charts 01-05 Artisan's Apprentice. Most often a leather worker or blacksmith. With Dolgan reliance on manufactured goods, this career is becoming less important. 06-15 Druid. Fairly rare. Some GM's might disallow this. I think that ragged half mad Dolgan hermits' as strange and mysterious wise men sought out in times of need as quite interesting. 16-35 Herbalist. Essential to the tribe. Note however, no Sec Lang Classical or Guilder, but 50% chance of Prepare Poison. 36-55 Initiate. To whatever god the Dolgan's worship. I use a Dolgan version of Taal. If someone has any ideas, post it to me. However, no Read/Write, no Scroll Lore, and no Sec Lang Classical. Herb Lore and Identify Plants instead... 56-75 Seer. Important to the tribe. To maintain a certain degree of equality, some ideas are thrown to the god's to be answered. And the seer, usually a deviant or eccentric type, an outsider within the tribe, is used as a channel. 76-90 Trader. Similar to a pedlar. 91-100 Wizards' Apprentice. An apprentice to a Hedgewizard type or an Elementalist. Note: The rules for Academic career entries and exits is exactly identical to the rules for rogues. Basic trappings for all academics Sturdy Dolgan Clothing Horse Whatever the DM feels neccessary to represent their place in the society. Amulets and talismans for initiates, seers, and wizards's apprentices etc... I apologize for all the space these postings have taken up. I hope they add some sense of culture to the game. My intention was to alter some of the basic careers to reflect culture in the game, that I felt has been neutered in the name of simplicity. Odd that all these various cultures and races have mostly the same careers, spells, etc. I felt that with the changes in the Warhammer world, that I'd better post it while the Dolgans still have a place. I also saw a lot of interesting stuff on the Dolgans posted recently, and thought I should include it while theres an interest. I will post a few more Dolgan careers tomorrow. I don't want people to see fifty postings by "G. G. Lepper" when they turn on the computers. One last thing... ...what do you think? Good, bad. I will respond personally and probably privately to everyone who responds...