Roll your terror tests, I'm back! ;-) Below is revised description of Magic Carpet, new "legendary treasure" and two miscellaneous items. Comments are welcome... C'mon, say SOMETHING! -=-=-=-=-=- Legendary treasure (1): The Magic Carpet "Many times it was mentioned in fairy-tales or nursery rhymes. Most of the people think it is only a legend. However, after years of studies and reading of many strange volumes, I have finally found a proof that Magic Carpets do exist. The most important reference is Al Azif, the mystic book by Al Alhazred ibn Yusuf, the ancient mage of Arabia. In this volume, powers of Magic Carpets are discussed thoroghfully, even moreso, the secret of creating them is outlined. While this is a hair raising work of power seeking individual, ready to involve himself in all sorts of evil deeds, it is also great source of long-forgotten knowledge. The final confirmation can be found in the Iron Book, the cursed manual of evil spells, by Johann von Mittelberg. Those of you, who are allowed to peruse this volume, look into chapter 21st, where von Mittelberg describes his horrible magical experiments, undertaken to create Magic Carpet, similar to one he saw personally." "After lengthy search, I have found, that in all written history of magical arts, there are only five Magic Carpets mentioned. Two of these belonged to Al Alhazred ibn Yusuf and no one knows what happened to them when he died (or as many others suspect, become a liche). Another one belonged to Sallah-al-mun, the ancient Arabian king and was probably destroyed when dragon burned and ruined his palace. Two others belonged to great mages, one to Ibn-Chanim and second to Kal-an-hain ibn Sultan, who offered it to the Ormazd. Therefore, only one could be found - the last one mentioned, as it probably still is kept in Great Temple of Ormazd. However, none of the non-believers are allowed to enter the Temple." "Those are strange properties of Magic Carpets. One that owns such, can command it to fly, carrying him and also some supplies. This strange device may fly like an eagle or hover in midair. Unlike the carpets we can see in palaces, it cannot be ruined by worms, rot nor passege of time and only an enchanted blade may cut it. It is however in danger of burning." "The most horrible ritual used to create Magic Carpet is nowhere to be found described in detail. As far as my knowledge goes, it must be begin at the midnight of Geheimnisnacht. Then a carpet of highest quality is covered with mixture of the blood from seven birds and enchantment begins. Further, thirteen live bats are used in unknown spell, which finally confers the ability to fly upon the carpet. Now is the worst. A djinni, of daemonkind, is summoned and is bound into the Carpet as a source of magical power. Finally, an enchantment is made to hold the previous spells forever. When the day dawns, the Carpet is ready." Hans Blumenkraft Senior Scholar of Imperial University in Altdorf As the above excerpts describe, magic carpets are extremely rare. Never ever may any one of them available for sale - at least if it's priced less than 500,000 gold crowns to be paid immediately (in VERY UNLIKELY situation it may be sold as ordinary carpet, it it's owner didn't realize what he/she has) Now the deatils that dear old Hans didn't know or didn't explain fully: ;-) - carpet is immune to non-magical weapons and attacks, rot etc. - it is however inflammable and takes normal damage from fire - optionally it may take double damege from magical fire - it can carry 100 Enc per square foot, when overloaded it simply won't fly (optional: flying cost x2 or x3, more than twice overload - no flying) - it can carry more persons, if they all fit in the carrying capacity - it will not enter any area protected against daemons - the djinni needed for creation must be willing - if somebody tries to steal carpet, it will roll around him and attempt to crush the thief (if found, there's 75% that it doesn't have an owner and won't do that) - cargo and passengers are protected from falling and dangerous weather conditions as long as they are in contact with carpet (sitting, standing, lying, holding onto it). - only the best quality Arabian carpets may be used to create magic carpet - encumbrance: 10 Enc per sqare foot, 8 End per sq ft if rolled. It's quite light but cumbersome. - and the numbers: T=5 W=1 per sq ft - requires pilot (owner or person designated by owner) to operate - steering is by voice command, simple (up, down, left, right, hover etc) commands will be understood in reikspiel, however complicated ones only in daemonic or Arabian language - if carpet is destroyed the djinni will be freed (stats as lesser daemon). It will most probably just go home, but if the owner was treating carpet badly, djinni may try to punish him/her. Now is the tricky part: limiting use. Unlike "real" magic carpets, this has limitations of use. The proposed system is quite complicated, by allows for great flexibility. You may use time/number of uses limit instead. This is mixed with basics of flight mechanics. There is fundamental difference from flying creatures. Magic Carpet need not move to maintain altitude or climb. It levitates anyway... (at first, I assumed it would fly literally "as eagle", but mechanics of light is too much different). Any speeds are related to Movement scores. Each carpet has specific capacity for magic points, about 90-120. It uses up these for flying, while djinni drains replacement points from it's home plane of existence. Rate of spending points is proportional to speed and altitude of flight. When not used, carpet regenerates D4 points per hour. So there is "economy" mode: altitude up to 30 ft, speed as normal walk with M=4. In this mode, carpet uses up so little power, that it even regenerates 1 MP/hour. However, this isn't fast - just a good marching speed (5.5 km/h). All lower speeds count as "economy", with altitude limit of 25 ft. A little faster and higher - up to 50 ft and speed as M=5 - uses up 1 MP/hour. Any speed higher +1 MP/hour for speed increase, +1 MP/h for altitude increase of more than 25 ft (per speed point). A equivalent of "running" speed costs x3. Also, any sharp turns or other fast maneuver takes 1 MP. For speed changes, it takes 1 MP for +-6. For combat, it might be easier to assume, that carpet uses 1 MP/turn or even 1 MP/round if it's manoeuvering(sp?), dodging missiles from ground etc. When the "fuel tank" is empty, it behaves just like ordinary carpet. If this happens high in air, they'd better try to imitate birds ;-) Also, carpet won't evade obstacles by itself - if pilot is careless, he/she may crash into high tree, tower etc. For the "power" travel, it amounts to maximum distance of some 200 km within almost 2 hours, leaving carpet "empty" for a long recharge... (M=20 running, cost 60 MP/hour). -=-=-=-=-=- This comes from Polish national epic, called simply "The Trilogy" by H. Sienkiewicz. Original was nonmagical, but anyway considered very strange by characters that knew it. Legendary treasure (2): The Hoodcutter This powerful magical sword has it's place amongst legends. While being a weapon of best quality and sharpness, it's most known from other ability. When swung well, it can behead even three enemies standing around it's wielder or in a row in front of him. The history lost the name of it's first owner, all it's remembered is that he was priest of Ulric, fought at Sigmar Heldenhammer's side and died in great battle against orc army. Now the details: The Hoodcutter is large (6 1/2 ft) 2-handed flamberg sword. It appears to be just a normal, though larger than others, sword. There is however a drawing on the blade, depicting three heads over a swordblade. The lines of this picture glow dark red when orcs are nearby (though it's very hard to notice during daylight). The Hoodcutter is very heavy and requires a Strength of at least 6 to be wielded properly (else it's as if the wielder doesn't have appropriate skill - even if he/she has it). If he/she has the strength, it can be used normally even without 2-handed weapons skill. The Hoodcutter is magically sharp, doing extra 3 points of damage. If the wielder deals a very successful blow (ie. 6 on D6 and successful roll for extra damage), the Hoodcutter will cut off target's head (critical effect #16 for head injury). For each next extra roll it will cut head off another enemy standing close enough to the wielder. It is assumed, that wielder may make up to full turn around cutting enemies' heads. However, he loses any remaining attacks this round. The is one and only Hoodcutter. No one knows where it is, however legends say about that: either it is in the great orc stronghold in some conquered dwarven city or in the dreaded Castle Drachenfels. -=-=-=-=-=- There's a new funny skill from Polish magazine "Talizman". While it doesn't change things much, it gives a cool narrative opportunity. Neat blow: a western-style blow, after which victim flies along the ballistic curve, showing his/her boot size and falling with loud "thump", creating a cloud of dust (regardless of weather and other conditions). Of course, victim is also knocked out for D3 rounds. Same source, new rule proposal. For unarmed combat, if both fighters are unarmed, normal penalties are cancelled and appropriate skill gives +10 bonus. Normal damage is ignored, only extra damage is considered - multiplied by 5 it's treated as percentage chance of KO (change multiplier for "fragile" hit locations). BTW: I'd also count Strength effect for Str of 7 or higher. //\\//\\ << ==// // \/ \\ >> //== []