From cc697@cleveland.freenet.eduMon Aug 14 09:07:46 1995 Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 02:47:59 -0400 From: Eric Oppen Reply to: The wfrp mailing list To: Subject: WFRP: NPCs, as promised The Engel Gang The well-known enemies of Judge Dredd(tm) have counterparts in the Warhammer universe as well. Nothing here is intended to harm any copyrights held on these characters, and they are strictly meant for use by private individuals. Elmer "Vati" Engel Human, Male, Outlaw Chief (ex-Outlaw) M 4 WS 55 BS 64 S 5 T 7 W 12 I 52 A 3 DEX 40 LD 56 INT 46 Cl 39 WP 25 Fel 46 Skills: Concealment Rural, Disarm, Dodge Blow, Follow Trail, ID Plants, Scale Sheer Surface, Secret Language (Battle and Thieves), Spot Trap, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun, Ride (Horse) Lives in: Originally from Warrenburg, now lives in forests near Norderingen, in Middenheim territory. Appearance: Podgy, unshaven, stinks of cheap booze. Elmer Engel was exiled from the territory of Middenheim for a period fo ten years, nearly thirty years ago. With his sons, he headed out on travels of which he does not speak now. When his exile was over, he returned and settled down in Warrenburg, but soon found it advisable to leave. Settling in the forest near Norderingen, he and his sons soon became the terrors of the neighbourhood. "Link" Engel--Outlaw Human, Male M 4 WS 48 BS 44 S 5 T 7 W 7 I 32 A 2 DEX 31 LD 24 INT 18 CL 23 WP 30 FEL 18 Skills:Concealment Rural, Disarm, dodge Blow, Scale Sheer Surface, Secret Language--Battle Tongue and Thieves', Spot Trap, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun, Drive Cart, Ride Horse, Frenzied Attack. Special Rules: Subject to _stupidity_ if operating alone. "Link" Engel is one of the sons of "Vati" Engel (see above) and is a brutal, remorseless killer in his own right. He obeys his father in all things. If separated from his family members, he is subject to _stupidity._ He often teams with his brother "Maschine", who is the single person in the world to whom he's truly close. "Junger" Elmer Engel---Human Male, Outlaw M 4 WS 42 BS 43 S 2 T 3 W 8 I 33 A 2 DEX 34 LD 27 INT 26 CL 46 WP 35 FEL 35 Skills: Concealment Rural, Disarm, drive Cart, Dodge Blow, Scale Sheer Surface, Secret Language--Battle and Thieves', Set Trap, Ride Horse, Silent Move Rural, Spot Trap, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike To Stun, Marksmanship, Torture. Appearance: Scroungy, badly shaven, lank greasy hair. Wears round-topped hat. Junger Engel is the youngest of the Engel brothers (19) and his father's favourite. Despite his youth, in many ways he is the worst of the lot. A viciious sadist, he likes torture for its own sake and will "indulge" at every opportunity. Being smarter than "Maschine" and "Link," he will usually take command in the absence of theri father. He is very close to their father and devoted to him above all other people. "Maschine" Engel---MUTANT M 4 WS 38 BS 22 S 7 T 7 W 8 I 38 A 2 DEX 31 LD 22 INT 15 CL 89 WP 89 FEL 19 Mutations (as per WD 99): Mechanical Arm (S+2, AP 2), dial on head with four settings: 1: S+1, Frenzied Attack 2: S+2, Frenzied Attack 3: S+3, Frenzied Attack, A+1 4: S+4, Frenzied Attack, A+2 Subject to _stupidity_. Skills: Concealment Rural, Flee!, Fleet-Footed, ID Plant, Street Fighter, Strike Mighty Blow. During the Engels' travels, they headed into an outshoot of the Chaos Wastes. Although "Vati," "Link," and "Junger" were not particularly effected, "Maschine" and his brother "Fink" were. One reason the Engels settled where they did was because with two mutants in their family, they could not live with other people. "Maschine" works, by preference, with his brother "Link." "Fink" Engel---MUTANT M 6 WS 29 BS 33 S 4 T 2 W 7 I 39 A 2 DEX 34 LD 21 INT 30 CL 39 WP 38 FEL 10 Mutations: Skull Face (causes _fear_ in opponents unless save is made vs. WP), Very Skinny (T -1) Poison Bite (delivers 1 dose Manbane per bite) Skills: Specialist Weapon (Sling) Acute Hearing, Animal Care and Training (rats), Concealment Rural, Escapology, Flee! Fleet-Footed, Frenzied Attack, ID Plant, Immunity-Poison and Disease, Night Vision, Prepare Poisons, Set Trap, Silent Move Rural, Street Fighter, Very Resilient, Swim, Spot Traps. Lives in: Tunnels beneath Faustschlag. Like his brother, "Maschine," "Fink" Engel was mutated during the Engels' exile from Middenheim. His mutations were less severe than his brother's, but they were sufficient to prevent him living among normal society. He developed a compulsion to sleep underground whenever possible, and after finding a way into the Faustschlag's tunnel system, he more-or-less separated from his family. However, he still keeps in touch, and any injury to them will bring him down on the guilty party. About the only "Engel" virtue is family loyalty, and "Fink" has his full share of it. He has a pet mutant Giant Rat with a bite that delivers 2 doses of Manbane, and which is teaching him Queekish.