From: "G.G.Lepper" To: Subject: WFRP: More Gnome Stuff To make a more complete pantheon, and to add a great dimension to the Gnome culture, there are new Gnome gods, Randandill, and Gandargil. They all reflect a perspective of Gnomic life. Gandargil is the gnomish aspect of the pedlar, the young gnome out for adventure, youth, and a naive sense of crass humor and pranks. Ringil, the chief, and older brother of the other two Gnome gods, represents the accomplishment of Gnomes, craftsmanship, a keen sense of humor, and the community. Ringil assumes the center role in all the stories, tales, and myths of the god, while his brothers take peripheral roles, an allegory of the importance and value of commitment to your work and community, tempered by a keen eye and sense of humor. The last, Randandill, represents the darkest element of Gnome psychology, isolation, a total immersion in illusions and reality, and world weary cynicism. Gandargil- Description- A young mischievous Gnome, with a fishing rod or a pedlars bag, with a widely long and curving moustache. Many young gnomes who haven't settled in to an apprenticeship, or wander about are called "gandlings". Gandargil represents youth, wandering, adventure, and entrepeurship. Alignment- Neutral Symbol- The only symbol is the Gnome rune for Gandargil, that strongly resembles the rune for "youth" in Gnomic culture. Area of Worship- A small following amongst Gnome thieves and pedlars, and worshiped amonst the traveling troupes of Gnomes in their wagons. Temples- None. Each temple of Ringil has two smaller alcoves for Ringils brothers. Friend and Enemies- Same as Ringil Holy Days- Same as Ringil Cult Requirements- No real cult for followers. Gandargil is merely payed homage, no Clerics exist for this deity. Strictures- No standing strictures-just references to having a good time, with the assumption of a gradual return to the community. Spell Use- None. Skills- None. Trials- None Blessings- At times, Gnomes acknowledging this Gnome god have been know to receive blessings in their actions. The degree of this is up to the PC to decide how influential this deity is. In my campaign, this deity is almost powerless, but often tries to show favors to it's followers, so when the player needs a break, I make it seem like the deity has helped the poor fool out.