From: Frederic Barnabe To: Subject: WFRP: GOD PANTHEON IN THE OLD WORLD THE EARTH MOTHER _____________________________________________ | | | | | | | | Ecate Taal Ulric Rya |_______||________________| | | | | | | | | Khaine Morr Verena Manann |______| | | | | Shallya Myrmidia Self Made God Sigmar, Foster son of Manann and Verena Jeanne du Lac, Foster daughter of Manann and Myrmidia Ranald, Foster son of Shallya (more or less) Handrich, Foster son of Manann (brother of Ranald) ARABY Ormazd Ecate |_____________________________________________| | | | | | | Orierus Besta Thebias Kheamanta Horanan Nefarini DWARVES Grungni and the ancestors Gods ELVES Liadriel Adamnan Na Brionha (I don't remember the spelling) HALFING Esmeralda The Pilgrim LAW Arianka Solkan Illuminas CHAOS Slaanesh Khorne Nurgle Tzeentch Zuvassin Necoho Malal The Horned rat I thing there was a Goddess named Darah, What about her ?