From: (David Eccles) Subject: [WFRP:1211] BOOZE! The Drinking Binge (for WFRP) -=============================- NB. This has been Adapted from a multitude of ideas and articles about inns and such like and follows a similar pattern to that of the 'Pelican's Pearch' rules. Rules for Boozers -=================- i) each time the the character has a drink the player (or GM which is more fun) must keep a record of how many Alcohol points that character has. ii) When it is that the number of Alcohol points is divisible by toughness than a Strength test is required with a penalty of the no. of Alcohol points. iii) Each time a test is failed the number of alcohol points in % is deducted from all percentile scores, if the test is failed by 50% or more then deduct one point of movement as well. iv) If any percentile characteristics reach zero then the charcter collapses into a drunken stupor for d3 + no. of Alcohol points. Also the character gains one insainity point which will lead to Alcoholism in the long term. If all the movement is lost before percentile the PC's have lost the ability to walk, if they attempt this they will most likely fall flat on their faces and puke up everywhere with a distinct lack of dignity. v) Lost characteristics are regained at the rate of D10 per hour of sleep or D3 per hour of activity, a severe hang-over may hamper some tasks though such as spell casting, reading, etc... Example -=======- (NB this actually happened in a game) Gibbons a scholar with T3 consumes a bottle of Apple brandy (12 alcohol points) since this is 4 times his toughness he needs to make 4 tests with a S3 (30% - 12 A.P. = 18%) unsuprisingly he fails all four by 50% or more losing all four of his movement points. This is where the roleplaying fun came in, since he is at a rather swanky ball attended by lots of aristocrats. Gibbons trying to get to the privy, suddenly realises his legs have stopped working and trips into a Duchess, promptly being violently sick down her expensive ball gown, she wasn't too happy... At the Bar -=========- Some common alcoholic beverages are: Drink type/size Alcohol pts cost Beer Half pint 0.5 3d Beer pint 1 7d Local Ale Half pint 1.5 5d Local Ale pint 2 9d Strong Ale Half pint 1.5 7d Strong Ale pint 3 1/- Braakbroew Ale Half pint 2 1/- Braakbroew Ale pint 4 1/9 Imperial Brandy shot 4 4/- Imperial Brandy bottle 16 12/- Apple Brandy goblet 3 3/6 Apple Brandy bottle 12 10/6 Kislevite vodka dram 4.5 3/9 Kislevite vodka bottle 18 15/- Norse Aquavit dram 5 5/- Norse Aquavit bottle 22 2GCs House wine goblet 1 6d House wine bottle 8 4/- Estalian white goblet 2 1/- Estalian white bottle 17 8/- Estalian red goblet 2 1/2 Estalian red bottle 18 9/- Brettonian white goblet 2 1/6 Brettonian white bottle 17 10/6 Brettonian red goblet 3 1/8 Brettonian red bottle 22 12/- Thats made me thirsty now! If you didn't want this, tough! you've got it :-) And Gavin responded I really like the rules you have given. It makes a lot more sense that the simple T test. I had actually been thinking of rules for fighting whilst drunk, did I hear anyone think bar brawl... I had actually been thinking of modifiers for combat, but I really like the idea of alcohol points. I had a scheme where depending upon how much you had drunk you would get a corresponding amount off various characterisitcs WS BS I Dex would all get -10/1 or more as you drink but T would be increased by 1, as you'd be too drunk to care I had also thought about a +1 damage as you will use all your might in hitting things. However these T & S modifiers would only be used once the character actually fails a drunkeness test. This to me seems to capture the essence of the drunken idiot swirling about himself/herself with a chair leg.... I have also a set of modifiers for fumbles. On the role of a natural double the weapon you have gets dropped or embedded in something. 11 you swing violently and your blow glides over your opponent, - 10 I 22 you put all your effort into a lunge which your opponent sidesteps -20 I 33 swinging your weapon above your head spins you round lose next A 44 you smack your weapon into a chair/tree and the blow stings your hand, make I/Dex average test to avoid dropping it -5 WS for the numbness 55 your weapon flys from your hand, roll d12 & d6 to discover where it lands 66 you stumble, make a dex test to avoid falling otherwise lose rest of A, or all attacks next round if last attack 77 you manage to embed your weapon in the floor/furniture S test to remove 88 you trip on your own boots and stumble forward at your opponents feet 99 swinging wildly you manage to crash into a chair/table, take S4 hit to the body and only parry rest of round 00 you go for the final blow, unfortunately you hit your own leg, take normal damage, including S & the +1D (embarassing way to die....) Maybe these are a little extreme, but then you are drunk... Well they are my modifications for the periluous act of drunken combat Comments please