From: (Lloyd Carroll) Subject: [WFRP:1158] Energy Criticals My gaming group and I wanted a little more pizazz when our PCs died or killed others with Energy spells (most likely fireball or lightning bolt spells). To that end, we came up with a set of crit tables similar to those for the body locations. However, since the energy spells don't hit just one location, there is no need to worry about that. Use this table just like you would the others : roll on the percentage table for the seriousness of the critical, read the resulting effect off of this table. We usually just use it as a guide for how serious the damage is, it gets rather boring to read the same thing over and over. As far as the design of the table is concerned, we tried to construct it similarly to the others - 1-3 are not too serious, 14-16 are death, the others vary in severity. Anyway, hope you all like it, and can use it. Energy Criticals 1 - His breath taken away by the intense enegies involved in the spell, the victim may only parry next round. 2 - Acrid, thick smoke rising from clothing and the surroundings chokes the victim, no further actions this round or the next. 3 - The intense heat scorches hands. Metal objects are dropped and become cherry red, non-magical wooden objects are charred, magical wood saves at 1-4 on d6, otherwise it is also destroyed. Opponent may make no actions for the remainder of this and the following round. 4 - The victims hair is briskly aflame; they may take no other actions for following rounds, until hair is extinguished. Helmetted/hairless opponents are incapacitated for one round only. 5 - The force of the spell blasts the victim back 2d6 yards, and they are stunned and may do nothing at all for the next d4 rounds. 6 - The victim's clothing/fur bursts into flames (whoof!!); they will d4 W/rd., and are prone while trying to put it out. 7 - Searing energy courses across the victim's skin, burning it severely. Victim is stunned for d4 rounds, and M and I are halved until victim receives medical attention. 8 - The burns on the victim's body are extremely serious (as 7, above). They will be stunned for 2d4 rounds, M & I are halved, and they will lose 1 W/rd. until medical attention is received. 9 - The energy of the spell has seared away tissue over most of the victim's body. They are stunned for 2d4 rounds, M & I are halved, and they lose 1 W/rd. In addition, scarring reduces Fel by half, permanently. 10 - The victim is concussed and burned, and is in shock; they are prone, unconscious, and must pass a T test or lose d4 W/rd. 11 - The victim is in shock from the concussion and burns (as 10, above). In addition, they must pass another T test every round until medical attention is received, or permanently lose 10%/1 from each characteristic. 12 - The force of the spell has burned away 90% of the victim's skin, exposing vital organs. The roasted victim is prone, unconscious, loses 10%/1 from each characteristic, and will die in d10 rounds unless medical attention is received. 13 - The victim is so horribly burned that, upon unlikely recovery, scarring reduces all characteristics by half; until medical attention is received, victim is prone and receives d6 W/rd. 14 - Victim and all that is worn erupt in a ball of flame. The victim runs randomly from the combat, and continues burning until death in d4 rounds. 15 - Victim explodes in a brilliant pyrotechnical display - OOOHHH!! AAAHHH!!!! 16 - Victim bursts into flames, and burns instantly and intensely, leaving only bits of teeth and bone in a pile of ash. L8r -- Lloyd Chemistry |Lloyd Carroll Rocks and Minerals |NCSU Warhammer Fantasy RolePlaying |Raleigh, NC ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| I'm Probably doing one of these | right this very minute!!